
My favourite blog, with informative reviews and balanced assassments

Similarly well written, even sometimes with spoiler reviews or detailed summaries and differentiated evaluation

The blog we all know, with the most reviews and summaries by far! Hinano has been longer in the otome business than most of us – and I appreciate that! Her reviews are very subjective and after so many years she has high standards and prefers light-hearted games with friendly characters (as far as I can tell). Therefore games with toxic characters don’t stand a chance with her and I would advice you to read her reviews with a grain of salt.

A varied blog with also some more unknown games and detailed spoiler reviews.

Another blog with more unknown games and also some spoiler reviews.

A blogger I only found on twitter and who was the resason for me to make this list! She has some well written, well structured and well evaluated spoiler-free reviews!

Another blogger I only found on twitter. The spoiler-free reviews are a bit on the shorte side, so perfect if you want to get a quick impression!

In theory a versatile blog, but at the moment I can’t seem to access it. Let me know if you know more!