
Charade Maniacs Walkthrough

spoiler free guide for Charade Maniacs Character 1 Chapter 1 no choices Chapter 2 図書館へ行く (got to the libray)公園へ行く (go to the park)宿舎に戻る (return to the dorm)他の場所へ行く (go somewhere else)店が並んだ通りへ行く (follow the stores)学校へ行く (go to the school)もう一つの公園へ行く (return to the park again)探索を終わりにする (finish the search) Save 1 公園へ行く (go to the park)明瀬さんは十分頼りになる年上です!(Akase is a reliable …

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Radiant Tale Review

Radiant Tale

The MC Tifalia lives a quiet and content life together with her aunt and furball, as a dragon falls right on top of her. They help the confused dragon find his crew members of the circus, a group entrusted with the task to travel the country and make the magicaRl flowers bloom with joy in order to melt the prince’s heart.